The SBC250 amplified controller (250W) has all the features to allow perfect integration of the sub with any system.
It has a variable crossover from 40Hz to 135Hz, gain control from -14db to +6db, up to 160 degrees of phase control,
along with a polarity ± switch, output level metering and a bypass function, all in a 1U rack unit.
Remote power allows for very easy setup, with all the controls you need at your fingertips
Læs mere om Quested
Quested højttalersystemer kan findes i nogle af verdens mest respekterede optagestudier. Siden etableringen i 1985 har Quested fortjent sit ry gennem mund-til-mund-anbefalinger snarere end annoncering, og forbliver tro mod sit grundlæggende princip om solid praktisk ingeniørkunst. Hvert eneste af vores produkter er omhyggeligt fremstillet i hånden i Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Nordirland.